Register your fundraising event
Simply create you fundraising event free of charge. Choose a picture and a description and describe which cause you would like to support.
Choose a charity project
Choose one or more from over 25,000 charity projects and support them with your fundraising event.
Invite your friends
Invite your friends via mail, Facebook or your social media channels. Together you can help more.
Free and easy registration
It only takes a few minutes to create a fundraising event and it's free of charge. If you need help our support team will answer all your questions via mail, phone or chat.
Over 25.000 registered charity projects
Do you want to collect donations for pencils for a local school project? Or support solar cooking projects in Kenya? Whatever the cause – simply choose one of our 25.000 projects. The donations from your fundraising event will go directly to the charity that runs the project.
More than 10 years experience in fundraising
For over 10 years now our team has been supporting donors, fundraisers and social organizations to make the wold a better place day by day.
Christoph celebrated his birthday with donations instead of gifts. His friends donated to an medical aid project from Madagascar.
167 donors have collected €12,270
Virginie ran 250 km through desert Gobi within one week. With her charity run she collected donations for Chinese children whose parents are imprisoned.
65 donors have collected €6,422.
Rike also asked for donations instead of gifts and gave the donations to a school project in Ethiopia and to a breeding station for elephants in Kenya.
26 donors have collected €500.
Personal support
40 enthusiastic people and two amazing dogs in a small Kreuzberg office in Berlin - that's us.
If you have questions about or online fundraising, we are here for you - ping us an email or even better: call us!
Project Page & Fundraising Tools
We give you your own space on, where you can present your fundraising event and donors can see the progress.
We also offer simple and effective digital tools to help you stay in touch with donors.
Easy administration
All donors who donate to your organization via will automatically receive a donation receipt from us via e-mail. Less work for you so you can focus on what really matters.
No problem – just get in touch and we will help you!
Mirjam and team
030 - 56 83 86 59
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