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SINGA Deutschland gUG

managed by Zeynep Robinson (display)

About us

SINGA Deutschland connects newcomers and locals by creating opportunities for them to participate in and co-create projects and activities together. By building on the interests and skills of the community, all members are able to contribute to the creation of a truly inclusive society through a variety of innovative programs. Other than project incubation, our current programs include professional mentoring, language exchange, storytelling events and a variety of other social & cultural events.

SINGA is also an international network of independent organisations that connect newcomers and locals through a variety of innovative projects and activities. Since its first inception in 2012 in Paris, SINGA has won a number of awards and prizes for the success of its innovative and inclusive programs which has been accompanied by a strong and ongoing increase of memberships. Today, SINGA exists in France, Canada, Germany and Belgium.

Latest project news

Wir haben 86,01 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Ezekiel Peters (display)  14 October 2021 at 12:48 PM

Danke, dass ihr uns unterstützt, die Gesellschaft ein Stück inklusiver zu machen! Mit der "Kompetenzwerkstatt" machen wir den Arbeitsmarkt zugänglicher und schaffen Räume des Austausches und auf Augenhöhe.

Eure Spendengelder werden für die Finanzierungen von Räumlichkeiten eingesetzt und erlaubt uns durch gut geplante Kommunikationsmaßnahmen neue Teilnehmende und Mentor:innen zu erreichen.

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Bachstraße 33

Zeynep Robinson (display)

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